If you are facing allegations of sexual assault, it is absolutely critical that you take them seriously. Even if you know you are innocent, you still risk prison time if the charges are proven. A skilled sexual assault defense attorney can help you protect your rights and ensure a fair trial, despite the prejudices involved with these types of cases.
Cases that involve allegations of rape must be handled flawlessly, with the utmost professionalism and attention to detail. In your defense, psychologists are often consulted and are asked to have the victim submit to a psychological evaluation. A defense attorney will look for evidence of alcohol and drug abuse, mental disorders such as depression and bipolar disorder, and any past vindictive behavior that may raise a red flag.
Your criminal defense attorney may hire an independent laboratory to conduct tests on any available evidence. Your attorney will also investigate any potential mishandling of evidence by law enforcement or any other party involved with the objective of questioning the validity of the evidence or having it excluded.
Defending Against Admission of Fault of a Sex Crime
Maybe you have committed sexual assault and are willing to admit you made a mistake. In general, the law provides treatment alternatives to a long prison sentence for those who confess. This may include a shorter time in prison, plus a treatment plan and counseling. Other factors may come into play in your particular case, such as any abuse you suffered as a child, whether you are taking any psychotropic medications or if you suffer from a mental disorder. If the court determines that your actions are the result of underlying problems and you are not a general threat to society, you can often work out a deal or attractive plea bargain.
Child Molestation
Child molestation or sexual assault on a minor is one of the most severe crimes you can face. These allegations have incredibly serious legal and social tolls – even if you are not convicted. Simply being accused of a sexual crime against a child can end your marriage along with your career. Even the association of your name with child molestation can cost you your job, and relationships with friends and family.
The judicial system can be controlled by heavy-handed police officers and prosecution-oriented judges who see their role as protecting the children. It is therefore crucial that you put your trust in an attorney who fully understands the law and has extensive experience in child molestation and sexual assault charges.
Penalties for sexual assault will vary, depending on the seriousness of the sex crime and whether the conviction is a misdemeanor or felony. Penalties can include:
- Lengthy prison sentences
- High fines
- Community service
- Treatment and counseling
- Being labeled and required to register as a sex offender
Find an experienced sexual assault attorney in your area.