Asbestos exposure is toxic and has been linked to several chronic diseases including mesothelioma, asbestosis, and lung cancer. United States veterans who are diagnosed with mesothelioma may have been exposed to asbestos during any of the following types of work:
- Mining
- Shipbuilding or shipyard work
- Insulation hanging
- Demolition
- Milling
- Carpentry
- Manufacturing of asbestos products
- Roofing or flooring installation
- VA Resources for Cancer Victims
Veterans of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and National Guard who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma have unique access to valuable government resources. These resources are designed to help mesothelioma victims who served in the armed forces get the medical care, emotional support, and information they need to deal with their diagnosis and prepare for what lies ahead.
The United States Veterans Administration has an extensive network of medical centers that offer comprehensive care for all types of injuries, diseases, and illnesses including mesothelioma. Veterans also have access to organizations, services, fellowship, and other resources specifically designed for former military personnel. Mesothelioma victims can contact the VA for access to the following resource types:
- Veteran centers
- Community living centers
- VA Medical centers
- Residential care programs
- Veterans Integrated Services Networks
- Virtual Therapy
- Biofeedback
- Addiction Treatment
- Alternative Therapies (Massage, Yoga, Meditation, Acupuncture)
- Local VA Environmental Health Coordinators
Mesothelioma Veterans’ Compensation
The United States Department of Asbestos Affairs helps veterans diagnosed with asbestos-related diseases find information, guidance and support. Since mesothelioma is a recognized service-related medical issue, this department can provide assistance to veterans who can show that they were exposed to asbestos during military service. A skilled attorney can help you find evidence on your behalf and seek ample disability compensation and VA health benefits. Compensation may also be available from asbestos manufacturers.
If your loved one is a veteran with mesothelioma, asbestosis, or mesothelioma cancer, talk to an experienced attorney about your rights to compensation. If asbestos exposure occurred during periods of military service, your family may be entitled to extensive benefits from the United States government.