Attorney Credentials

Shigley Law, LLC
1360 Peachtree St.
Suite 910
Atlanta, Georgia, 30309
Languages Spoken
Attorney Profile
Attorney Bio
Ken Shigley is a seventh generation Georgian and past president (2011-12) of the State Bar of Georgia, which includes all attorneys and judges licensed in Georgia. He also recently concluded a term as chair of the board of trustees of the Institute for Continuing Legal Education in Georgia.
Upon conclusion of his term as State Bar president in 2012, the Georgia Judicial Nominating Commission included him in a “short list” of nominees submitted to the Governor to consider for appointment to the Georgia Court of Appeals, though ultimately candidates young enough to serve 25 to 37 years before retirement age were chosen.
Now, with all State Bar offices and and all judicial nominations behind him, Mr. Shigley is pleased to focus 100% on representing clients in trials and appeals in Georgia courts for the rest of his career.
Ken Shigley has successfully handled many cases involving wrongful death, spinal cord injury, brain injury, burns and back injuries, vertebral fractures, herniated cervical discs, fractured arms, legs, hips and ankles and other injuries arising from auto, truck and bus accidents, dangerous premises and defective products.
Areas of Practice
Bar Information
Bar Admissions
Georgia, 1977
U.S. District Court Northern District of Georgia, 1981
U.S. District Court Southern District of Georgia
U.S. District Court Middle District of Georgia
U.S. Court of Appeals 11th Circuit
U.S. Supreme Court, 1985